Friday, June 10, 2005
TODAY (Otway National Park boundaries announced ) is a day of silence for us, a day of mourning - of grief over actions that sound important but signify ignorance and incompleteness ., that are supported by nimbys and not by knowers , that talk up principles, but lack the practical experience in research that must go with it , that sound like commitment but are quickfix and monocultural in nature , that talk up engagement but are clearly abandonment and sacrifice for political ends .It may only be one small area of hardwood resource sacrificed , but now others are at risk . Your legacy is that you have abandoned reality therapy for rhetoric so how do you stop that taking root in your own backyard! .
Monday, May 24, 2004
Ignore Attwell at your peril all you half baked ecosystem experts with the experience and understanding of bookworms and armchair idealists
David Packham, former CSIRO bushfire scientist of over 40 years standing.
Athol Hodgson, former Commissioner of the old Forests Commission and CFA board member.
Professor David Attwell of Melbourne University.
took the time to tell NE landowners this week they were on the right track .
Posted by: journeymanj / 3:02 AM
Thursday, May 06, 2004
David Packham, former CSIRO bushfire scientist of over 40 years standing.
Athol Hodgson, former Commissioner of the old Forests Commission and CFA board member.
Professor David Attwell of Melbourne University.
took the time to tell NE landowners this week they were on the right track .
Posted by: journeymanj / 3:02 AM
Thursday, May 06, 2004
Friday, October 03, 2003
So what big questions have the independant scientists at VEAC got to study to spend its millions on, when doctors and education need it? What information do they still need, and what big decisions do they want answers for before September 2004?